How to Overcoming Limiting Beliefs of Personal Development Through EFT

Limiting beliefs are deep-seated convictions that hold us back from reaching our full potential. These beliefs often stem from past experiences, societal conditioning, or negative self-talk, and they can significantly impact our personal development and overall well-being. Overcoming these limiting beliefs is crucial for personal growth and achieving success in various areas of life. One powerful method to address and transform these beliefs is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), a form of psychological acupressure that combines tapping on specific meridian points with cognitive and exposure therapy elements. This blog explores how EFT can be used to overcome limiting beliefs, offering a comprehensive guide to understanding, identifying, and transforming these beliefs to foster Personal development through EFT.

Limiting beliefs are false or negative thoughts that constrain us in some way. They can pertain to our abilities, worth, relationships, or potential for success. Common examples include:

  • “I am not good enough.”
  • “I will never be successful.”
  • “I do not deserve love.”
  • “I am not smart enough to achieve my goals.”

Origins of Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs often originate from:
  • Childhood Experiences: Negative experiences or messages received during childhood can significantly shape our belief systems.
  • Traumatic Events: Traumas or significant negative events can instill deep-rooted limiting beliefs.
  • Societal and Cultural Conditioning: Societal norms and cultural expectations can contribute to the formation of limiting beliefs.
  • Self-Talk: Negative self-talk and internal dialogue reinforce limiting beliefs over time.

Impact of Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs can have a profound impact on various aspects of life, including:

  • Self-Esteem: They can erode self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Decision-Making: They can influence decision-making, leading to missed opportunities.
  • Relationships: They can affect the quality of relationships and interactions with others.
  • Career and Goals: They can hinder career advancement and the achievement of personal goals.

Introduction to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

What Is EFT?

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a form of psychological acupressure that involves tapping on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on negative emotions or limiting beliefs. Developed by Gary Craig in the 1990s, EFT combines elements of cognitive therapy, exposure therapy, and acupressure.

How EFT Works

EFT is based on the premise that negative emotions and limiting beliefs are caused by disruptions in the body’s energy system. Tapping on meridian points helps to restore balance to this energy system, allowing negative emotions and beliefs to be released.

Steps of EFT:
  1. Identify the Issue: Focus on a specific limiting belief or negative emotion.
  2. Rate the Intensity: Rate the intensity of the belief or emotion on a scale from 0 to 10.
  3. Set-Up Statement: Create a set-up statement that acknowledges the issue while affirming self-acceptance (e.g., “Even though I have this belief, I deeply and completely accept myself”).
  4. Tapping Sequence: Tap on specific meridian points while repeating the set-up statement.
  5. Reassess: After tapping, reassess the intensity of the belief or emotion and repeat the process if necessary.

EFT offers several benefits for overcoming limiting beliefs:

  • Emotional Release: It facilitates the release of negative emotions and beliefs.
  • Self-Empowerment: It empowers individuals to take control of their emotional well-being.
  • Accessibility: It can be practiced independently, making it accessible to anyone.
  • Holistic Approach: It addresses both the emotional and physical aspects of limiting beliefs.

Recognizing Triggers

Identifying triggers that activate limiting beliefs is crucial for addressing them.


  • Emotional Triggers: Notice situations or people that evoke strong negative emotions.
  • Behavioral Patterns: Observe recurring behaviors or habits that reinforce limiting beliefs.
  • Physical Sensations: Pay attention to physical sensations (e.g., tension, discomfort) that accompany limiting beliefs.

Using EFT to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Preparing for an EFT Session

Before beginning an EFT session, it is important to create a conducive environment and mindset.

Preparation Tips:

  • Find a Quiet Space: Choose a quiet, comfortable space where you will not be disturbed.
  • Set an Intention: Set a clear intention for the session (e.g., “I intend to release my belief that I am not good enough”).
  • Relax: Take a few deep breaths to relax and center yourself.

Enhancing the EFT Process

To enhance the effectiveness of EFT, consider incorporating the following strategies:

  • Visualization: Visualize releasing the limiting belief as you tap on the meridian points.
  • Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to replace the limiting belief with empowering statements (e.g., “I am worthy of success”).
  • Gratitude: Practice gratitude by focusing on positive aspects of your life and achievements.

Addressing Core Beliefs

Limiting beliefs often stem from deeper core beliefs. Identifying and addressing these core beliefs is essential for lasting transformation.


  • Core Belief Exploration: Explore deeper beliefs that underlie the limiting belief (e.g., “I am not good enough” may stem from “I am not lovable”).
  • Multiple Tapping Rounds: Use multiple rounds of tapping to address core beliefs and associated emotions.

Developing a Daily EFT Practice

Integrating EFT into your daily routine can help reinforce positive changes and prevent the recurrence of limiting beliefs.

Daily Practice Tips:

  • Morning Routine: Incorporate EFT into your morning routine to set a positive tone for the day.
  • Evening Reflection: Use EFT in the evening to release any negative emotions or beliefs accumulated during the day.
  • Consistent Practice: Aim to practice EFT regularly, even if only for a few minutes each day.

Combining EFT with Other Self-Care Practices

Combining EFT with other self-care practices can enhance its effectiveness and support overall well-being.

Self-Care Strategies:
  • Mindfulness Meditation: Practice mindfulness meditation to increase self-awareness and reduce stress.
  • Physical Exercise: Engage in regular physical exercise to support mental and emotional health.
  • Healthy Diet: Maintain a healthy diet to nourish your body and mind.
  • Adequate Sleep: Ensure you get adequate sleep to support emotional resilience.

Seeking Professional Support

While EFT can be practiced independently, seeking professional support can provide additional guidance and insight.

Professional Support Options:
  • EFT Practitioners: Work with a certified EFT practitioner for personalized guidance and support.
  • Therapists: Consider therapy to address deeper emotional issues and core beliefs.
  • Support Groups: Join support groups or online communities to connect with others who are using EFT for personal development.

Case Studies and Success Stories

1)  Overcoming Career-Related Limiting Beliefs

Background: Sarah, a marketing professional, struggled with the belief that she was not capable of advancing in her career. This belief stemmed from a past experience where she was criticized by a former employer.

EFT Process:

  • Sarah identified the belief: “I am not capable of advancing in my career.”
  • She rated the intensity of the belief as 8 out of 10.
  • She created the set-up statement: “Even though I believe I am not capable of advancing in my career, I deeply and completely accept myself.”
  • Sarah performed the tapping sequence, focusing on the belief and associated emotions.
  • After several rounds of tapping, the intensity of the belief decreased to 2 out of 10.
  • Sarah continued to practice EFT daily, combining it with positive affirmations and visualization.

Outcome: Within a few months, Sarah’s confidence improved significantly. She pursued new career opportunities and eventually secured a promotion at her current job.

2)  Addressing Relationship-Related Limiting Beliefs

Background: John, a 35-year-old software engineer, had the limiting belief that he was not worthy of love and would always be alone. This belief was rooted in a series of failed relationships.

Limiting beliefs can significantly impact personal development and overall well-being. Overcoming these beliefs is essential for achieving success and fulfillment in various areas of life. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) offers a powerful and accessible method for addressing and transforming limiting beliefs. By understanding, identifying, and using EFT to release these beliefs, individuals can unlock their full potential and foster personal growth.

Integrating EFT into daily life, combining it with other self-care practices, and seeking professional support when needed can enhance its effectiveness and support lasting positive change. Through consistent practice and a commitment to self-improvement, overcoming limiting beliefs becomes not only possible but also empowering. The journey to overcoming limiting beliefs is a continuous process of self-discovery and growth. By embracing EFT and the strategies outlined in this blog, individuals can pave the way for a brighter, more fulfilling future, free from the constraints of limiting beliefs.

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